Receiving errors while using SABnzbd

As you might already know, we are improving our service every day, in the best way we can, to give you the best access to Usenet.

This means that we frequently update our website and platform. Most of these updates aren’t visible to you as a customer and happen in the background. A couple of days ago we released and implemented an update on our platform, which contained a minor bug. Sadly, we are all human.

This bug caused an error only in the SABnzbd program. You might have noticed it, that SABnzbd gave an warning like “failed to login” or the famous “Access denied to your node” error, even when you used all the right settings and details. This could happen coincidental, without any clear explanation. The reason that it took a while to figure out, is the fact that this error only appeared at the user end. In addition, in 99% of the cases, this error is caused by faulty details that are being used to connect to our platform.

Hereby we would like to sincerely apologies for this matter and we would like to let you know that we have found and solved the problem. The users that have notified us, have all been granted a compensation for the lost time. If you also received the error in the last couple of days and haven’t informed us, give us an heads up!

This issue has been fixed! None of the error messages you receive after the creation date of the blog message are connected to this issue. If you need support regarding your account, please get in touch with our Customer Support Team, using the channels offered by the Support page.