We have a winner!

Everything has an end, even the World Cup. The last four weeks have been great and entertaining. We have seen a lot of great matches, joy and tears. The final match between Germany and Argentina was nerve-wracking, but the outcome tells us everything. Germany needed the extra time to decide the match with a victory of 1 – 0. Super Mario (Götze) scored the final goal with only seven minutes left on the clock. Germany is the new world champion. Congratulations!

As for our own competition, we gave you the opportunity to predict the outcome of the final match. Both the teams and the final score had to be predicted in order to win a Lifetime Ultimate Bucket account. We had about 1000 participants who entered the competition. About 1%, eight participants, predicted a final between Germany and Argentina.

Eight participants were still in the race to win our stunning price. As for those, eight participants, four of them predicted Germany as a winner. Sadly none, predicted the final score of 1-0, which leaves our final undecided.

Therefore, we decided to give the four participants that predicted the teams right and Germany as the winner, one month free use of UsenetBucket of their most valuable Bucket. All the winners have been contacted.

We had a lot of fun, we hope you did as well. Hopefully next time, we will be able to grant our amazing price!

Some additional stats:

  • 50% of the participants predicted Brazil as the big winner;
  • The most predicted final was between Brazil versus Spain;
  • 85% of the participants predicted both teams to score in the final;
  • One participant predicted 190 goals in the final. That is an average of more than 2 goals per minute;

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